I might be an experienced golfer, but there was once a time when I struggled to hit the ball high when I needed to. It’s a skill that seems elusive to many golfers, but with the right techniques and a solid understanding of the game’s mechanics, it’s absolutely achievable.

In this guide, I’ll discuss some of the best ways to hit the golf ball higher. While most of these tips are going to be relevant to both woods and irons, I’ve added a couple of iron specific tips as well.

How To Hit The Ball Higher With a Driver

Higher Loft

When it comes to hitting the golf ball high with your driver, loft is key. The higher the loft of your club, the easier it will be to launch the ball up into the air. If you struggle with getting enough height on your shots, consider switching to a driver with a higher loft angle.

Most drivers typically come in lofts ranging from 9 degrees up to 12 degrees. If you have a driver with a 9-degree loft, test out a 10.5-degree or even a 12-degree to see what type of ball flight it produces. Typically, the higher the club loft, the higher your ball flights.

Tee The Ball High

The height of your tee has a direct impact on the trajectory of your shot. If you want to hit the ball high, try teeing it up higher as well. This will allow you to make cleaner contact with the bottom half of the ball, promoting a high launch angle.

Experiment with different tee heights and see how it affects your shots. Keep in mind that if you’re playing on a windy day, teeing the ball higher may not be the best strategy, as it can increase the chances of your shot being affected by the wind.

Tip for how to hit the golf ball higher

Widen Your Stance

Your stance also plays a crucial role in the height of your shots. A wider stance provides more stability and balance throughout your golf swing, allowing you to make a full swing without losing control. This will also help you lower your center of gravity, making contact with the golf ball while the club is on the upswing.

Try widening your stance gradually until you find a comfortable position that allows you to hit solid shots with good height.

Use Shafts With Low Kick Points

The kick point, also known as the bend point, is the spot on your golf club shaft where it flexes the most during your swing. Shafts with a low kick point tend to produce higher ball flights because they allow for more bending and, thus, more energy transfer into the ball.

If you struggle with hitting high shots, consider switching to golf clubs with a lower kick point to help you achieve the desired trajectory.

Align The Ball On Your Inside Front Foot

Ball position is important for a lot of different golf shots. When hitting a high golf shot, align the ball with your inside front foot when setting up for a shot. This position will help you hit the ball on the upswing and promote a higher launch angle. It also allows your arms to stay extended through impact, which is vital for generating more clubhead speed and hitting a high shot.

Use a Neutral Grip

Your grip can influence whether or not you hit a slice or a draw shot, but it can also impact the trajectory of your shots. A neutral grip, where both hands are positioned in the middle of the club handle, allows for more wrist movement during your swing. This added flexibility can help you generate a faster swing speed so you can hit high golf shots.

Make Sure You Make Ball Contact After the Low Point in Your Swing

Your swing’s low point is the bottom of your swing arc, which occurs right before you make contact with the ball. If you want to hit the ball higher, make sure you’re making contact after this low point. This will allow for a slightly upward strike on the ball and increase your chances of hitting high shots.

How to Hit The Golf Ball Higher With Irons

Move The Ball Forward In Your Stance

The position of the ball at address can impact the trajectory of your iron shots. I always try moving the ball forward in my stance to produce a high trajectory. This will help promote a steeper angle of attack and allow you to make solid contact with the ball on a slightly upward swing path.

Tilt The Club Forward At Address

This one might baffle you a little bit. However, if you want to hit the golf ball higher, you should move your hands slightly ahead of the ball.

Most of you are probably going to think this will cause a lower ball flight, but the opposite is true. While this reduces the club’s loft, it also helps to maximize the golf ball’s compression and limits the spin. The combination of those things will help the golf ball cut through the air higher.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the ability to hit a high shot is a blend of technique, equipment, and understanding of the physics of golf. Tweaking your club loft so you’re using higher lofted clubs, adjusting your stance, and modifying your grip can significantly influence your ball’s flight trajectory.

However, remember that every golfer is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Regular practice and experimenting with these tips on the course will help you find what works best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I hit the golf ball higher with any type of club?

While most of these tips can be applied to both woods and irons, some specific techniques may be more effective for different clubs. Experimenting with different strategies is key to finding what works best for each individual golfer.

How do I know if I’m hitting the ball too low?

If you have trouble getting the desired distance from your shots, or if your shots tend to fall short of their target, it could be an indication that you are hitting the ball too low. Additionally, if you notice that your ball flight is relatively flat and doesn’t have much height, it might be time to work on increasing your trajectory. So, it is essential to experiment and adjust till you find the right technique for hitting the ball higher with your clubs.

Should I always try to hit the ball as high as possible?

No, there are certain situations where a lower ball flight may be more beneficial, such as on windy days or when trying to hit a low shot under trees. It’s important to consider the course conditions and your shot objectives when deciding on the desired trajectory for your shots.

Can a club with a lower loft still produce a high ball flight?

Yes, the loft is just one factor that affects the trajectory of a shot. Other variables such as swing speeds, angle of attack, and impact position also significantly determine the ball’s flight. A lower lofted club can still produce a high shot if these other elements are optimized correctly.

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